Last Friday, Shytoshi Kusama reactivated the dormant Telegram group dedicated to the ecosystem token, BONE. The SHIBA BONE Official Telegram group had been silent for months until Kusama intervened, pointing out the absence of activity with a simple observation: “Quiet, I see.”
Kusama’s remark injected fresh energy into the community, prompting a surge in new members. Within just two days, the official BONE Telegram group witnessed an influx of over 500 new members, pushing the total count to 5,400.
Speculations and Enthusiasm
Community members have been quick to speculate on the significance of Kusama’s comment. Some see it as a potential hint of upcoming developments related to the BONE token. This excitement is not unfounded, considering the Shiba Inu team’s history of dropping subtle clues before major announcements.
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Adding to the intrigue, Kusama had been absent from the crypto scene for weeks before resurfacing with a cryptic tweet hinting at “breathing new life into the ecosystem.” Three days later, he took action by reviving the old Shiba Inu official BONE Telegram group.
Impact on BONE Price
The revival of the BONE group had a tangible impact on its market value. Within 24 hours, BONE experienced a notable surge of 5.4%, climbing from a low of $0.548 to an intraday high of $0.5773. As of now, BONE maintains this peak value.
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Kusama’s move to revive the BONE Telegram group has reignited enthusiasm within the Shiba Inu community and stirred speculation about future developments.
The surge in membership and the positive impact on BONE’s market value underscore the significance of this seemingly cryptic action.